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Writer's pictureTony Taylor

Head In a Cloud : Moving Away to a New Place

I'd been putting it off for years and now it's come back and bit me on the ass.

And it hurts!

I know I should've started learning and using the ADOBE CREATIVE CLOUD years ago. Now, as I'm unemployed and looking for work, every job I've been looking at, always includes the phrase, "Proficient with the ADOBE CREATIVE CLOUD."

Well, I'm not proficient, but I am familiar. With no job interviews in sight, that isn't working for me.

The ADOBE CREATIVE CLOUD has got software for almost all the arts. Obviously, my interest is with video production.

Today, this very hour, and this very minute, ADOBE is a "must-know." The programs I need to be proficient in are:

  • PREMIERE PRO - Video Editing

  • AFTER EFFECTS - FX for Video

  • AUDITION - Audio and Audio Design

  • PHOTOSHOP - "You name it"

Back in the old days, I had a PC. I started learning to edit on Premiere. But then I got an IMAC and I discovered FINAL CUT PRO.

When I moved to MAC's FINAL CUT PRO, it was version 6. Being new to editing, it was hard to ingest but I was getting it. I then moved on to FC 7, but I was still struggling.

Then the heavens parted and on June 21, 2011, MAC revamped FINAL CUT. I remember reading that professional editors started dumping FINAL CUT because, and I paraphrase, it was a big piece of shit opening the door for ADOBE's PREMIERE. Well I liked it.

The revamp was a comfortable fit for me and I stuck with FCPX never looking back. Well, I was a dumb ass. I should've stopped and at least looked in the rearview mirror.

ADOBE's PREMIERE along with AFTER EFFECTS took off, transforming ADOBE's products the "go-to's" for the industry. ADOBE now is my "get-to".

Do not misunderstand, I LOVE FCPX, but all the video jobs open outnumber those for FCPX making me officially behind the eight-ball.

Like I said, I should've done got my ass into gear and started working with ADOBE years ago. But "should've, would've, could've".

Today, all the knowledge to learn video equipment, production software, and the most important, networking are all on the web. All of the necessary steps to get into the industry by knowing what the hell you are doing are on the web. I now find myself all over the INTERNET. I got the time. I am unemployed.

Look, I was at my old job outside the business for seventeen years. In industry terms, that's a f'n lifetime!!!

I needed to get a hold of the ADOBE software, but the Cloud is $56 a month. I purchased my year of service because as I discovered, you can't pirate ADOBE products! Don't think I didn't try to. As the many packages of RAMEN in my cabinet show, I really couldn't afford to do that. But I can't afford NOT to do it!

With purchasing ACC, my next step was finding a series of tutorials that were good for me. I am using the tutorials provided by ENVATO ELEMENTS. I know ENVATO ELEMENTS isn't free, but I bought the annual service when I was employed.

For a great series of tutoria

Great tutorials for ACC and that are free with most library cards (hint, hint, get a card!) are on LYNDA.COM It is fantastic and it's free!


With a schedule created with GOOGLE CALENDAR, I am dividing the programs I need to learn and obey into six-hour blocks. I take those classes on Mondays and Wednesdays.

My plan is to use a large portion of this blog writing about my experiences with my head in a cloud, the ADOBE CLOUD.

The first thing I have learned is that moving from FCPX to PREMIERE is like moving to different state where you don't know anybody.

Silly me, I was thinking that both FCPX and PREMIERE shared the same concepts with their editing pages, and I thought I'd tear into the first chapter.


There are similarities between FCPX and PREMIERE's editing workstation, but PREMIERE has more options and that means more to learn.

I sat there with that video instructor trying to follow along. Well, I'm still stuck there, but I'm determined.

Have you encountered this?

Have you found yourself switching from PREMIERE to FCPX and saying, "WTF?"

Is it just me?

Don't answer that.

Also, a big fat FYI, I ended up skipping my second class that day, AFTER EFFECTS. But even though I'm at the house with my dog laying next to my desk chair, I've seriously got to treat this as school and you can't do that. I won't skip again.

These classes are going to be difficult.

But you know what?

Great minds had difficulties, but we have their example to follow. So I found a quote from a great mind and I carry it with me.

Albert Einstein (who I share the same birthday with)said:

He's right.

Yeah, I know; he's f'n Albert Einstein!

Maybe I should latch on to somebody I can relate to?

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